Thanks for the Input and Involvement

My assistant and I spend time putting together information to share online. Blogs for Facebook, QuickBooks tips that tweet, and newsletter emails. After spending “unbillable” hours on endeavors like putting a website together or planning what blogs to post for the next week (month or year) it means a lot to see that people are getting the message.

Jennifer Lee author of The Right Brain Business Plan talks about marketing as ‘getting the word out.’  For me getting the word out has always been based in a love of teaching and mentoring.  I want everyone to know stuff so they do not have to struggle unnecessarily.  After all, there are plenty of struggles that entrepreneurs need to conquer on their own or, if they are lucky, with the help of some savvy allies.   Why not learn what you can to keep the struggles to a minimum?

Getting an email that someone favored a tweet, liked a post, or shared an email makes it all worth while.  There is a tangible sense of accomplishment when I fill a room with people attending one of my trainings.  Some days I have questioned the time spent on social media.  Is it helping anyone?  Knowing that the content and info GO! shares is not going into an e-black hole really makes my day.

Janelle T of Colorado – Thanks for sharing a link you thought would be a good addition to my website.

Susie B – Thanks for the tip to check out Areavibes.  I love the quick view of the cost of stuff.

The links you suggested are live!

So thanks to all those that have commented and shared.